For too long we have thought of only the immediate or short term implications of our actions. It is our responsibility to preserve this planet far beyond our time frame and teach future generations how to sustain it properly. We have to do the same with our businesses and infrastructure- all of it works together, impacting our future. E-Design™ is a way to conserve, protect and reduce waste. Having the knowledge to predict life cycles affords us the ability to measure and anticipate the consequences of unintended wear and waste. Discover how to combine environmental responsibility and higher profitability through E-Design™. Expand your thinking about planning; about efficient responsible use of resources; and about our duties to the natural world. These new ways of thinking about assets can benefit your business. E-Design™ is a design concept that supports sustainability from an ecological, engineering and conservationist standpoint. It’s the start of something new… something new that really works.